Dr. Anita Siddiki
Dr. Anita Siddiki, wife and mother of three, has a special calling as a vessel of the Lord in areas of prayer, healing and financial success. As Co-Founder of the Tulsa-based Wisdom Ministries, she ministers with her husband Nasir in churches and corporate boardrooms, teaching success principles to businessmen and women.Dr. Anita Siddiki, a Rhema Bible Training Center graduate, is often the featured guest for broadcasts as seen on TBN, or on Canada's "Crossroads" TV Network, Syd Roth's "It's Supernatural", and the OASIS Network's "Roadshow". Her background as a teacher and performer in classical music shines through. Dr. Anita has also appeared before women's groups, national conferences and many churches in the USA and abroad, ministering in the areas of marriage and family.
Of most significance is Dr. Anita's life-changing healing testimony. At age 25, Dr. Anita was attacked by paralysis, blindness and physical breakdown from the crippling effects of multiple sclerosis. Her healing involved a daily process of renewing her mind with the Word of God over the next two years until she was absolutely convinced of God's truth about healing! Now completely healed, through the ministry of her teaching and healing messages, Dr. Anita shares her faith as one persuaded that God's Word will work for everyone.